Extracts from my live commentary on Twitter:
Guests arriving at the Abbey and - oh dear - I've just spotted Mr Bean ... I hope he does something really funny.
A phalanx of liveried chimpanzees leads the convoy of armoured minibuses out the palace gates, followed by the Master of the Stool, bearing the huge, solid-gold chamber pot of state ...
... and meanwhile in Whitehall, as the magnificent jewel-encrusted Femmefatalatron is slowly wheeled into position, a chorus of coal miners, their dirty little faces beaming with characteristic welsh mischief ...
Every breath hushed as The Dress emerges from the car like a magnificent butterfly bursting forth from its chrysalis.
I'm with Simon Schama in considering the trees in the Abbey a touch of genius. Spring, renewal, earth-magic. There's something primitive and pagan about it.
... nave of Westminster Abbey where the eunuchs of the royal household, in full regalia, can always be relied upon to ...
Wife just asked if ceremony is being conducted by Rowen Atkinson. Now that would be something to see ....
The motet, Ubi Caritas et Amor - sung by a choir of Harry Potters.
Of course to be part of the team selected to pull the bridal coach is a great honour. And here it is at last, towed by a team of oiled and naked labour politicians.
Have to hand it to the organisers, carrying off an open-carriage procession in this day and age ....
Right .... that's done. Time to get back to the real world